Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman, retired Army, has defined people in three categories. Most people are sheep who get on with their daily lives never intending to hurt anyone. Then there are wolves whose very way of life it to prey on the helpless flocks of sheep in our society. Wolves destroy for their basic needs but they also kill for sport. They inflict deliberate destruction of life only for the sake of destroying the weak and the helpless. Then there are the sheepdogs. Sheepdogs are the protectors of the greater society of sheep.

In human form they are the military members who elect to join the ranks of the defenders of our American way of life. Policemen are the civilian branch of the defender-sheepdog, brother and sisterhood.

The problem with sheepdogs is they can appear to us to look much like wolves. They have to be that way. One minute they are looking all shaggy and so cute you want to pet them and the next minute they are biting off the head of a wolf, which was sneaking up on you, because you failed to pay attention to your surroundings.

There is a fear in the flock that the sheepdogs will take advantage of their sheep charges and either try to totally control or bring destruction to parts of the flock. In some nations of the world the sheepdogs are the enemy; this, however, is not the case in the United States.

Unlike most countries our populace can arm themselves against threats, both foreign and domestic. We live in a call 911 society where we expect to pick up the phone and have the sheepdogs show up in minutes to protect us.

I once heard a mother call into the Dr. Laura radio show complaining about the fact she did not want her son to have any exposure to firearms. However, when she went over to her father-in-law’s house it was the home of a safe gun owner.  She felt his ideas were going to wrongly impact her son. Dr. Laura asked whom does the mother call when there is a potential violent situation in her life. Of course the mother stated she called a policeman (who has a gun on his hip), who will come and save the day and not take advantage of the citizen who has called for help. The mom wants a sheepdog to save her and her family from harm, but she can not envision her on son or daughter becoming a sheepdog.

[originally posted on]

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


If you'll notice, liberal democrats have and are continually pressing for more control over various areas of our (the citizens’) lives. Control over what people are allowed to talk about, what they're allowed to believe, what they must be willing to tolerate and not tolerate, and that people should not disagree or disapprove of beliefs that happen to be different than their own (even if the group that is supposedly being discriminated against is openly intolerant and behaves in a highly biased way towards other groups that differ from themselves). They want control over how we must (I say “must” because they want to make laws that strictly define exactly what you’re allowed to say to others) treat other people including a mandated complacency of suppressing one's own point of view in favor of leading an existence of perpetually walking on eggshells and never saying or doing something that upsets another group or person. They tout their stance against the "persecution" of certain groups as one of tolerance and open-mindedness. That type of ideology would be noble enough in and of itself; yet, the liberal democrats' actions are remarkably hypocritical since they lack the ability or willingness to accept the existence of opinions or behavior that they dislike or disagree with (I.e., Christianity, gun ownership, Pro-Life, Illegal Immigration, etc.).


Being asked not to offend ANYONE or express disapproval of any particular set of beliefs or behaviors is like being told that you're responsible for upholding the fragile self-esteem of the masses, whose delicate self-image and sense of happiness depends either solely or largely on the opinions and approval of everyone else. This is too great a burden for any one person or group of people to carry. One person's sense of well-being and significance is NOT and absolutely CANNOT be the responsibility of ANYONE else.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Somethin' To Think About...

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.

Ayn Rand

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Addendum to "C'mon People!"

Just for the record I am not an anti-government type, conspiracy-theorist, "shhh...Big Brother is watching" type paranoid knucklehead.  I am simply someone who watches the news (from many sources albeit...not just FOX), listens to the political small talk of my fellow average Joes, and makes it a point to be an observer and not a hyper-opinionated 2-cent spewing jackass.  Obviously I have my own opinions on things and some strong ones at that, but I dare claim to be a political know-it-all or a wannabe government analyst with a narrow-minded partisan chip on my shoulder.  What I DO know is that when there is an inordinate amount of "scandalous" activity going on within the governing body of this country--one I might add that my hard-earned tax dollars just so happen to "subsidize"--I am going to be paying attention to it.  I am going to keep my eyes, ears, and conscience open to government activities that I believe would quite easily get the average person subpoenaed, tried, convicted, fined, imprisoned, and effectively "socially tarnished" for life.  I may be a lot of things, and there's a lot of things I am not, but I certainly do not believe in standing by while the law-making entities of this STILL great county are allowed to exist above the law.

"I'm the big buck of this lick.  If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns."  ~ Abraham Lincoln