Is it just me or does it seem like most Americans are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to all of the government's shady activities lately? I mean, most of us are fairly well-informed about Benghazi, the IRS scandal(s), and the NSA's sifting through citizens' phone records and emails. Fewer still may be aware of the executive order spree that Obama has been on or the massive amount of voter data collected by the Obama administration prior to his last election. It seems that in spite of knowledge of these matters, most people don't really act too unnerved or concerned (outwardly at least). From what I can tell many folks seem to brush it off as inconsequential or believe that it doesn't really affect them. And maybe it doesn't...yet. Granted, there's always some degree of turmoil and sketchiness when it comes to government affairs but taken as a whole the events unfolding before us have made me considerably uneasy.
I feel like shaking people and saying, "wake up, damnit! Don't you see the writing on the wall?" It is startling to me how egregious the abuse of power is right now in Washington. When a law or bill or policy is questioned or flat out rejected by its opponents then persons/party who are in favor of it quickly resort to bullying and strong-arming to get what they want. The agenda of our current president and his constituents is practically implemented by force and/or subterfuge. Now, call me crazy, old-fashioned, or short-sighted but last I heard that is NOT OK. And I would think that most other average Americans would agree...but maybe not. I don't consider myself extremely an right-winged conservative. I just think I am "pro-Constitution".